Paracetamol was very effective for relieving pain, dizziness or fever. However, behind the benefits of paracetamol there are side effects of paracetamol that turn out to save a considerable danger that is able to reduce lung function.
Almost every drug headache and fever are sold freely definitely contain paracetamol; it's just a different rate. Admittedly, paracetamol proved to be very effective for pain disappeared in a short time.
Still, do not use this medication regularly; especially in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), because, when this drug is used daily, can cause a decrease in lung function.
Results are based on survey data collected by the 'Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988-1994 to around 13,500 adults in the United States. They will all give you information that is worn drug Aspirin Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
From this survey data reveals that those who use the drug Paracetamol, experiencing risk for asthma and COPD suffer higher. And the routine use of paracetamol per day or the use of larger, connected by a decline of lung function, Being on drugs Aspirin and Ibuprofen, invisible presence of pulmonary disorders.
Research conducted in animals, high doses of Paracetamol will reduce the rate of one of the important antioxidant, that gluthathione which, in lung tissue. So, the possibility of lung disorders that result from routine application of Paracetamol caused because of a decline in gluthathione, which causes an increased risk of lung tissue damage and increase of respiratory diseases.
This study supports previous research, which states that the use of
paracetamol may increase the risk of severe asthma patients.
Danger also in the drug called Paracetamol or Acetaminophen, turned out to be just only attacks the lungs, kidneys as well when used in a long time. Familiarity with Paracetamol, especially for women to get rid of menstrual pain as at the time, judged very dangerous.
The study was conducted on 1,700 women studied for more than 11 years, who suffered from kidney filtration function decline by 30 percent, from the study reveals that women who consumed Paracetamol of 1500-9000 for details of his life at risk to suffer from interference Kidneys of 64 percent.
As for those who consume more than 9,000 tablets, the risk rose to two-fold. But this study did not show a link between kidney function disorders with aspirin or sedative / inflammation, such as a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory qualities.
The study was not to stop the use of Paracetamol, But to aware for long-term consumption. In addition to the researchers, more research is needed to obtain other treatments to overcome the pain, which is not harmful when used for a long time.
When used according to instructions paracetamol actually rarely give serious side effects. Some of the issues mentioned that this drug is associated with asthma in children is also not clinically proven. Only sometimes these drugs can pose a rash or hives on certain people. Excessive consumption and the long-term need to watch out because it can trigger liver damage. It should be noted also some signs of overdose of paracetamol if there are symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, suffocation and excessive perspiration.
Some important points that need to be aware in the use of paracetamol:
- Stop using acetaminophen if fever lasts more than 3 days or worsen pain for more than 10 days, except on doctors advice.
- For pregnant and lactating mothers, consult with a doctor.
- People with liver disorders should not use this drug.
- Consult a doctor before combines the medicines paracetamol with NSAIDs, anticoagulants (warfarin), or oral contraceptives.
- The use of alcohol paracetamol together dpat increase liver toxicity.
- Consumption of high doses of vitamin C can increase the rate of paracetamol in the body.